Wind Energy, Winter 2022
Class Syllabus
Jointly offered as EE 451/551. We will cover how electrical power is obtained from wind, perform basic calculations for wind power based on wind turbine characteristics and terrain and explain what are the main considerations for wind power integration. We will learn how to think probabilistically about uncertainties in wind and solar, and how to use battery storage to integrate uncertain renewable resources. For more information, see syllabus.
This is the main website for this class. The Canvas Site is only used to post grades.
Class: TTh, 8:30-10:20am, ART 317; The lecture is recorded but not broadcasted in real-time.
Instructor: Baosen Zhang,, Office: ECE M310
Office Hours:
- My office hours: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm, ECE M310
- You’re welcome to schedule other times by emailing me.
- There is no required textbook for this class. The book “Wind Energy: An Introduction”, by Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi is a good reference.
- I will try to respond to emails within 24 hours. Please write EE451/551 in the subject.
- Please refer to the official EH\&S website for the most up to date COVID guidelines. For quarantine and isolation information, see the flow chat at EH\&S. It is frequently updated.
Schedule of Classes:
- Introduction to power systems with wind energy, slides, video
- Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, slide, video, video 2
- Overview of Wind Turbines, slides, video
- Induction Generator slides, video Type 1 Generator slides, video
- Power Electronics Review slides, video
- Type 2 slides, video
- Type 3 slides, video; slides 2, video 2
- Type 4 synchronous generator, [stability](; video 1, video 2
- Wind Statistics, slides, video, video 2
- Integration Issues and Storage, slides, video
- Markets and Wind Integration, slides, video; slides 2, video
- There will be weekly homework assignments. Late homework would not be accepted. There be a question that is required for EE 551 students, bonus for EE 451 students.
- Grade distribution: final 30%, midterm 30%, homework 40%
- Midterm, due Feb 8th, 11:59pm. Submit at CANVAS. Office hour on Feb 8th from 8:30 to 10:20. You can come in person at ECE M310 or zoom using Note there were two typos on a previous version. In question 5,
in question 8,
- Final, due March 15, 11:59pm. Submit at CANVAS. Office hour on March 15th from 10:30 to noon. You can come in person at ECE M310 or zoom using Solution
Homework Assignments:
- Homework 1, due Jan 14th, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS, solution
- Homework 2, due Jan 21st, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS, solution
- Homework 3, due Jan 28th, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS, solution
- Homework 4, due Feb 4th, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS, solution
- Homework 5, examples for type 3 turbine, solutions included.
- Homework 6, due Feb 18th, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS, solution, solution to last question
- Homework 7, due Feb 28th, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS, solution, solution to last question
- Homework 8, due March 12th, 11:59pm, submit at CANVAS,solution